What we believe

The Congregation

If one word were used to describe the members of First Presbyterian Church, that word might be “diverse.”  This is one of the most varied and assorted gatherings of people you are likely to find!

We are young and old, rich and poor, Republicans and Democrats.  Some of our members are conservative and some are liberal.  Some of our members hold Ph.D.s and some hold G.E.D.s.  Some are gay and some are straight.  We are descendants of Native Americans, African slaves, European settlers, Chinese immigrants, and who knows what else!

But we are a community – dare we say a “family.”  We care passionately for one another and work hard to see that justice and righteousness thrive in our world.  We laugh together, cry together, struggle together, and celebrate together. 

The key word is “together.”  We may not always agree on each and every thing that happens in the church and in the world.  But we have learned to disagree without being “disagreeable.”  What unites us is Jesus Christ.  And that is more important than anything else. 

Calling, Beliefs, and Values

Calling Statement

First Presbyterian Church is called to embody God’s love, made known in Jesus Christ, in life-giving ways, and to engage with God in transforming lives, communities, and institutions, to reflect God’s goodness.

As a community of open-minded, open-hearted disciples, we covenant to support and encourage one another, as we explore God’s grace on our journey of faith.

Belief Statement

We are an intentional community of the Living God, that seeks to follow the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit.

We believe that faith is best expressed in word and deed, and that we are called to live our lives as examples, however imperfect, and as generous expressions of gratitude to God and service to others.

We believe that the promised reign of God is a current reality, and a coming presence, wherein all people live securely in the justice and righteousness of God.

Values Statement

WE VALUE TIMES OF PURPOSED GATHERING.  Faith begins and grows in community.  We treasure times when the community gathers for worship, education, intentional witness, service, fellowship, and recreation.  When the community comes together, we sense God’s presence in our midst.

WE VALUE EACH INDIVIDUAL AS CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE AND WORTHY OF RESPECT AND APPRECIATION.  We covenant to join in the struggle to overcome every form of prejudice, help each person discern his/her God-given calling and gifts, and together build the Beloved Community of Jesus Christ.

WE VALUE ACTIVELY ENGAGING THE WORLD.  We do not shrink from the challenge of living faithfully to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.  We believe the world’s need for grace and truth is profound and we will give ourselves to the work of social justice, righteousness, peacemaking, equality, caring for the planet and finding new ways to live responsible, more faithful lives.

WE VALUE GROWING IN MIND AND SPIRIT.  We believe that “faith seeking understanding” is a significant part of the life of a disciple.  We continue to discover what the Bible says, who Jesus was and who he calls us to be and who we are as Presbyterian Christians.  We believe that through prayer and spiritual disciplines we grow into the people God created us to be.

WE VALUE GENEROSITY.  We believe in a generous God who blesses us beyond what we deserve.  We believe that we are called to respond in generosity – giving sacrificially of our time, talents, and treasures.

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