Elected Officers

In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), members of the congregation are elected to serve as officers of the church. The Session consists of the Ruling Elders of the congregation who serve as the governing body for the Church. The Deacons are responsible for the care and nurturing of the congregation, especially to the sick and others in need. The Trustees oversee the administration of church property and assets.

Officers are elected every year in January and, unless otherwise noted, serve for three-year terms.

The Session

Class of 2024

  • Casey Calvert
  • Ronda Hurt
  • Gary Morris
  • Steve Wylie

Class of 2025

  • Jill Griffin
  • Francie Hubbard
  • Bonnie Rinks
  • Sue Schriber

Class of 2026

  • Joan Fedor-Bassemier
  • Tom Kohlmeyer
  • Allison Mooney
  • Jenny Singleton

The Deacons

Class of 2024

  • Dick Bernhardt
  • Jane Bernhardt
  • Nancy Bizal
  • Glen Killion
  • Deborah Shepherd

Class of 2025

  • Suzanne Kohlmeyer
  • Marilyn Kunkle
  • Julie Lim
  • Sarah Pearce
  • Kathryn Van Camp

Class of 2026

  • Jean Beckman
  • Elesha Downs
  • Jake Kohlmeyer
  • Mary Ruthenburg
  • Carolyn Stilwell
  • Scott Wylie
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